Text Me: (602) 952-7678
- By Appointment Only
Procedure Information
Cosmetic Tattooing, Since 1994
This includes embroidery, ombre, hair strokes, micro strokes, microblading, permanent makeup, permanent cosmetics, cosmetic tattooing, micro-pigmentation, derma-pigmentation, 3D brows, 6D brows, etc.
Why? Because they are all the same thing. Plus, none of these are semi-permanent. By definition permanent means does not wash off. All work requires color refreshers over the years. This is reality folks. I can only claim this from experience and from tattooing over 20,000 plus brows.
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be made via phone (602 952-7678) or e-mail (facialartbyjane@gmail.com) to Facial Art by Jane 48 hours prior to your appointment. Cancellations received 48 hours prior to the scheduled procedure or complementary touch-up will not be charged any cancellation fee.
Cancellations received after the 48-hour time frame will be charged $50.00 before any further work can be done. If the no show is for a new procedure the $50.00 will be added to your total when you re-schedule. If for a complimentary touch up you have 6 - 8 weeks from the date of no show to reschedule. Anything after that will be the touch up fee plus the additional $50.00 no show fee. This applies to all procedures.
Failure to cancel via phone or e-mail or prior to your scheduled appointment will be considered a “No Show” and you will be charged the $50.00 cancellation fee.
All cancellation charges are nonrefundable.
Please understand this is a courtesy to Jane Adler and other clients wanting to be scheduled for large blocks of time.
Note: I regret that we are not able to make any exceptions due to the high demand for procedure time. Unless it is an extreme emergency.
Pre-Care Instructions
Please bring eyeglasses if you wear contact lenses, to all appointments! You must wear eyeglasses for 3 days post-procedure for all eyeliner procedures. Then you can wear your contact lenses. Must be clean or new!
If a client has ever had (even if years ago) a fever blister, cold sore, shingles, or chickenpox, it is recommended you obtain prescribed antiviral medication from your doctor or dentist. Fever blisters are very common as a side effect of lip tattooing. It is not a bad idea for healthy lip tissue to pre-moisten lips by first exfoliating lightly with a new soft toothbrush and applying a healing ointment like Recovery. You can get this from Jane Adler or buy an over-the-counter product like Vaseline. Must be off all anti-aging products prior to your procedure.
Please do not wear any perfume to your appointment and leave your cell phones turned off. If you have extra dry skin consider getting a basic facial a week before exfoliating dead skin cells. Please inform Jane of any eyelash growth products you may be using prior to your procedure.
All professional tweezing, waxing or tinting of eyebrow hairs should be done no more than 72 hours before a procedure. Please avoid any depilatory or bleaching agents on your lips pre and post-lip tattooing. All lash perms and lashing tinting can be done up to 72 hours pre-procedure and 30 days post-procedure. If you wear fake eyelashes you cannot wear them pre, during, or post-procedure.
It is not bad to have a ride home after an eyeliner procedure if the client is light-sensitive.
Please do not book an appointment before any major events, like a vacation, social event, or wedding. Clients may be more sensitive if on their period during and procedure.
Please only use clean or new mascara, makeup, or lipstick after all procedures. It is important to not be exposed to bacteria. This can cause a secondary infection.
It is important to not have sunburn before and after any procedures. This includes tanning beds.
All clients must be off Retin A or Renova 30 days before all procedures. Clients must be off Accutane for one year, before all procedures.
Please avoid any alcohol 48 hours before all procedures. Jane Adler will not recommend any medications for a client to take to, control discomfort. If you feel the need to self-medicate, you must have proof of a ride home. Jane Adler does not recommend dental blocks before lip tattooing.
Try to avoid the following things unless medically needed before all procedures.
Aspirin or similar products
Niacin and Vitamin E
Gingko Biloba, Saint Johns Wart or Evening Primrose oil
If you have any condition that requires you to take antibiotics before going to the dentist, it is a good idea to do the same before all tattoo work.
Omega 3 fish oils
Krill oil supplements
After Care - Eyebrows
Please apply a small amount of after-care ointment supplied, for one week. Do not let the brows get dry and crusty. Some swelling, redness or itching is normal and to be expected. Only apply ointment twice a day with a clean Q-tip. Less is more, too much ointment can pull color or cause infection.
Only a small amount is needed to occlude the eyebrow area. Keep clean and avoid sun, pools, direct water pressure. Do not pick or rub the area. Brows will oxidize and get darker before they soften in healing. This is normal! Do not wear any makeup for 72 hours on the brow area.
After Care - Eyeliner
Eyes may be swollen and tender for a few days. This is normal and will dissipate quickly. Itching is also common. An ice pack protected with a wet barrier film of a paper towel can very nice. Please do not ice for more than 10 minutes a sitting. Icing is most effective, the first 24 hours. Sleeping slightly elevated can also reduce any residual swelling of the eyes. Most swelling is usually an issue the following morning after your procedure. You may soil your pillowcase with some residual pigment on the eyes.
In the morning if eyes are stuck together, use a wet Q-tip and gently separate. Do not rub. peel or pick. Keep the area clean and only use the aftercare given for 3 to 4 days. Apply once in the am and once in the pm. Use a fresh Q-tip for every application. Do not let the eyeliner become dry in the first 72 hours.
Avoid sun, pools, hot tubs, and all creams around the eye area. Eyes heal very well. However, they are exposed to the possibility of a secondary infection like conjunctivitis. If ointment is a problem, please do not use and rinse with buffered eyewash and seek medical attention for an antibiotic steroid eye drop. Eyes are sensitive to pet dander, gardening, dust, and dirty hands. Sunglasses add wonderful protection to the sun. Please use a new tube of mascara after each procedure. Do not wear makeup for 72 hours post. Eyes may be swollen and tender for a few days. This is normal and will dissipate quickly. Itching is also common. An ice pack protected with a wet barrier film of a paper towel can very nice. Please do notice for more than 10 minutes a sitting. Icing is most effective, the first 24 hours. Sleeping slightly elevated can also reduce any residual swelling of the eyes. Most swelling is usually an issue the following morning after your procedure. You may soil your pillowcase with some residual pigment on the eyes.
In the morning if eyes are stuck together, use a wet Q-tip and gently separate. Do not rub. peel or pick. Keep the area clean and only use the aftercare given for 3 to 4 days. Apply once in the am and once in the pm. Use a fresh Q-tip for every application. Do not let the eyeliner become dry in the first 72 hours.
Avoid sun, pools, hot tubs, and all creams around the eye area. Eyes heal very well. However, they are exposed to the possibility of a secondary infection like conjunctivitis. If ointment is a problem, please do not use and rinse with buffered eyewash and seek medical attention for an antibiotic steroid eye drop. Eyes are sensitive to pet dander, gardening, dust, and dirty hands. Sunglasses add wonderful protection to the sun. Please use a new tube of mascara after each procedure. Do not wear makeup for 72 hours post.
After Care - Lip Liner & Full Lip
Lips will feel swollen and very dry after your treatment. Apply supplied aftercare ointment on lips several times a day. This should be done for at least 14 days post-treatment. Do not allow lips to become dry. This may interfere with healed color. During the day if lips feel dry, apply a liberal amount of ointment. Just tap on the skin and do not rub in.
Always use a clean Q-tip, not fingers to apply ointment to the lips area. This will reduce the risk of secondary infection. It is advised to sleep on an old pillowcase. There will be residual pigment coming off the lips for several days that can stain linens.
After lips are no longer tender to the touch they may become flaky. This is normal and is expected. Please do not pick or scratch at them. This may significantly reduce the amount of pigment uptake. Avoid the sun and tanning beds pre and post-procedure. Be sure to use sunblock once lips are healed. Do not use any Glycolic, Hydroxy, or fruit acid products on lips. Avoid direct water pressure, pools, and other bodies of water, until healed. Please be advised it is a good idea to brush your teeth with just water for 72 hours, post-treatment. You can resume wearing lipstick once your lips are healed. It is advised to use a new lipstick after all lip treatments. Redness, swelling, tenderness, dryness are all common post-treatment side effects and will dissipate in a short period of time. Avoid oily, salty, acidic foods and alcohol while healing.
Lips are a muscle and will need 1 to 3 sessions to complete the process of this procedure. Lips are unpredictable. Some clients will yield very strong healed lip color. Others will only heal with slight color uptake. This will vary on an individual basis. Clients with sun damage, scar tissue (from injury or fever blisters), and clients with implants may not have strong results. Hyperpigmentation can happen on any lip client without warning. Fever Blisters are a known side effect of all lip procedures. Clients are asked to go to their doctor or dentist for an anti-viral medication before any lip procedure, to help avoid an outbreak. Follow all before and after instructions after all lip treatments. Lip retouch must be scheduled 30 to 45 days apart from the initial season to help with color retention.
Lips heal in three stages: Too dark - Too light - Just right. This takes one month to happen. Please avoid any friction to the lip area.
Other Prodedure Info